
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"But this is MY first time."

A lot of my labor experience is very blurry to me. The pain and the lack of sleep kind of blur things together in this very strange dream-like moment. However, there is one specific moment that I remember quite clearly. Both doulas were on the left side of the bed and I was in the midst of a very painful contraction. I remember wailing something akin to "I can't do this anymore-you don't know how it feels." And both women, who had (naturally) birthed several babies replied, "We've done it before; we know what it feels like." Exasperated, I cried out, "But this is MY first time, I don't know that I can do it."

This memory surfaced this morning, when Finn woke up around 5am with a terribly runny nose. Finn had a runny nose once before, and it went away within 24 hours. He (I think) has a cold. I know that many of the people that read this blog are already mommies,and colds are easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy (as Randy would say). But, it's MY first time dealing with my baby having a real cold.

I had to drop him off at Miss Laura's this morning, and sound like a crazy person when I said, "I'm already taking Friday off, but if we need to Randy can take tomorrow off."

I know people will think "It's just a cold." But it's his first real cold, and I feel immensely guilty (because, OF COURSE, it's my fault that he's in day care and he caught a cold from those kids...rational, right?). So, be kind. And give advice...seriously.

Hope you're all having a great week :)


  1. Of course it's hard the first time he's sick! You don't know what he needs or how to comfort him.
    Do NOT feel guilty. He was going to get sick eventually. Plus, kids who get those childhood illnesses out of the way from being exposed at daycare are supposed to be healthier overall. You're building his immunity, dear.

  2. Yep. I will mimic what Sarah said. In the beginning of my kids' daycare days, the had many a colds, however NOW that they are a little older...the colds are less and less.
