
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The most horrible time of the day

I hope you sung the title to the tune of "The most wonderful time of the year" because that's what I was going for.

So, I'm going to tell you about my least favorite time of the day. It is...the morning. Whoever invented mornings should be shot in the throat. There are a lot of reasons why I hate the mornings...

First, because my morning almost always begins before my alarm goes off. I honestly don't even know why I set it because at that point (which is 6:15), I have usually been up for over an hour. Finn is apparently an early-riser, apparently. And a late-to-bedder, and a I-need-to-wake-up-30,000-times-a-GD-night-er as well.

On top of this ridiculousness, he's crabby too. So I get up, feed him, and then we start to get ready. While I get him ready, he picks up books and brings them to me, because he wants to be read to. He doesn't have the best aim, so I usually get a book in the face at least once a morning. He is happy-as-a-clam when this happens.

However, when he is done getting ready, and I try to get ready. Well, Finn is NOT a fan of me putting him down, so he claws at my pant leg, usually pulling my pants down, and screams at the top of his lungs. Seriously Finn, W.T.F?

Then, I wrestle him into his car seat, and drive him to Laura's house, which is usually uneventful. When I get there, I get the added bonus of feeling like a failure for dropping him off and not being with him.

THEN, I get to drive to school (usually WAY later than anticipated, but sometimes the early waking works out and I get there early).

I walk in, sit down, and CHECK FACEBOOK on my phone. Then, I get to see all the other mommy statuses about how wonderfully their child slept. Their child who is younger than mine, and a great sleeper. The mommies that are better than me. The ones who can make their babies fall asleep.

IT SUCKS. I'm glad their kids sleep, seriously. But it's one of those things, that I see, and it hurts because I haven't had a full nights sleep in months. And if I've gotten close, it's for one night, once in a blue moon. I am so tired of feeling like a zombie, and then a failure, and then a zombie again because Finn WILL NOT SLEEP.

I want to join those mommies. The mommies-whose-babies-sleep society. It's like a sorority that I so desperately want to join. Gah.

And, I know people always say to me, "Well, gifted children tend to need less sleep." and I appreciate the thought of that statement, but at this moment I would pretty much give my right arm to have a straight 8 hours of sleep.

C'mon Finn, give a mom a break. It's been (almost) a year.


  1. Kate hasn't slept through the night since we left for Chicago-- so... back in November. I'm exhausted, too. It sucks. Let me know how much dues are for that sorority so I can figure out what I need to sell to get in with them. My soul? hmmm.....

  2. Leah-I think selling my soul might be worth it, I'm delusional from lack of sleep so don't quote me.

  3. Hey Becky. I'm sorry that Finn won't sleep. :( have you thought about trying him in his crib again? I am absolutely not telling you what to do or that it would even work, but ten was getting up three to four times a night until we put her in her crib. It's been two weeks and ages been sleeping so much better. I think it's because she has her own space to stretch out in. I was prepared for a huge battle with her because we have tried the crib three times before with no success but she only fussed a little the first night and John went in three times over the span of 45 minutes (every 15 mins) until she fell asleep. I knew she wasn't hungry so I sent John in so she wouldn't see me. If randy is willing, you could try on a Friday night so neither of you has work...? Again, just a suggestion. I never would have thought that the crib would help her sleep better until we actually saw the difference. In sure lots of people will be giving you unsolicited advice about this- this just happens to be what miraculously is working for far.

  4. PS- I also know that the cry it out method is not appealing and we were so afraid of doing it but tenley just fussed- no hysterical crying or else we wouldn't have been able to do it. I can't stand hearing her cry when I can make it better.

  5. oh and I mean I'd have to sell my soul because I am that poor lol. not meaning to imply that's what's in order to get your child to sleep :)

  6. Just so you know I would've been commenting on your blog this entire time if this convenient little feature at the bottom would've appeared. Swear to God, I have never seen this here before. Anyway...

    Adding to Chrisanne's thought: I can't speak for someone who's done the co-sleeping thing because neither of the boys have slept with us. However, that being said, when Jack stays at "Gramma and Papa's," he sleeps in bed with Grandma. He ALWAYS wakes up early (7AMish) at their house. When he sleeps at home in his bed, he sleeps until at least 9AM. I'm convinced it's because when he wakes up and sees Grandma, he's ready to get up and play. If he's in his room and wakes up, he turns over and goes back to sleep. I think it's the same with Blaine. I'm such a light sleeper, I can hear over the monitor when he's moving around, but he falls back asleep. Maybe it's seeing you next to him that causes Finn to want to wake up? Or maybe it's because Josh and I could win an Olympic gold medal for sleeping, it's just something we've passed onto our kids. I'm not sure. I wish I could help you.
