
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blog #1 for today...Sometimes, I love my students

It's really true. I admit it. There are days that I hate my job, like really, legitimately hope I never have to return. But, there are just as many days that my students make me laugh, or say something profound, or say something that turns my whole day around.

This morning started out pretty normal, woke up from a less-than-stellar sleep, got ready, still have a terrible pain in my shoulder that I don't know what it is. Went to school, got the darkroom set up, and proceeded with my day.

That was when it happened, one of my favorite students, let's call him "Max" was talking to another student while doing his critique. He said, "Can you believe that a semester ago, we didn't know ANY of this stuff?"

He was talking about photography, the fact that a semester ago they couldn't even use a camera, and now they were printing their own photographs. It made me tear up, and I was glad that he hadn't said it to me, and turned me into a blubbering fool. It was just so nice, and so sweet, and made me feel like I am not a failure (because sometimes, I really do feel like I am).

It is almost always students who make me feel better about life, not the work, not the grading, not even the co-workers (who are all great) but the students.


  1. Sometimes I get frustrated that there isn't a "Like" button for blog posts because I just want to LIKE the heck out of this one! :)

  2. I am absolutely positive teaching is one of the hardest jobs and you definitely have to have a gift to be able to do it.
    I'm glad you caught that comment because looking back I am sure I never told Ms. Moore (or others that had a positive impact on me) what an awesome teacher I thought she was. Math was just about alien to me, but somehow she made me actually enjoy it. Students appreciate their teachers more than they really know at the time and, if they do know it, most are too ... everything a high-schooler is... to take the time to tell them. You are incredibly dedicated and I really admire that!
    I think the most exciting part of your life is coming up, too. Can you imagine all the things you get to teach Finn? I think having kids truly is a blessing because we are going to get the opportunity to see the world again through our children's eyes. I'm excited to see their perspective on everything 'routine' in our lives. It's that sense of wonder and accomplishment ("can you believe we didn't know this a semester ago?") I'm most looking forward to seeing in our little girl!

  3. Bett, I like this so much, that I think that I would "Like" it if I could too!

    Lee- it always makes me happy to hear someone that respects teachers, especially when it seems like there are so many people out there that think we are overpaid and underworked. Ms. Moore was an awesome teacher, I loved her (I wonder where she is now??) I really appreciate the kind words, because sometimes I just want to give up :(
    I can't wait until Finn (and Baby Staros) are here so we can teach them everything. I totally agree that experiencing everything through the eyes of a child is going to be one of the most gratifying things about being parents! :)
