
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our sleeping arrangements

So, sleeping is one of the things that has been difficult throughout pregnancy. Last night, I lay in bed around 3:30 am, thinking about the ridiculousness of our sleeping situation. I had (shockingly) just gotten up for the third time that night to go to the bathroom, and realized that Randy wasn't in bed. I thought maybe he was still out with Matt, Matt and Danny, but no--he was asleep on the couch. Randy woke up, and came to bed. Which means Ella moves over to be closer to me.

Our bed then looked like this, Randy on the far left, Shaynaenae (our body pillow, or one of my best friends throughout pregnancy) in between Randy and I (there is a reason for this, when I lean over to lay on my back, I need to have something under one side of me), then comes me (and Finn) who sleep with three different pillows (one under head, one, sometimes two, between legs, another one behind butt on the other side of me).

Ella is the wild card. She used to sleep in between my legs when I slept on my back, but this side sleeping thing has really thrown her. So yesterday, at 3:30 am, Ella chose to sleep in the crook of my arms, butt closest to my face (of course) on the edge of the bed. I actually like it when Ella lays right next to me. I like to snuggle with her. There are 4 people in our bed (yes, I am counting baby Finn as an entire person--and those of you that have seen the tummy should agree--I am also counting Ella as a person--she deserves this distinction).

So, around 4:30 am, Ella FELL OFF THE BED!? Can you believe that? My poor Ella Fell off of the bed :( It was heartbreaking. Now, Ella jumped right back on and found a new spot, but I felt really guilty. I have gotten so gigantic and sleep with so many pillows that my tiny little 25 pound dog cannot even fit on the bed. That is sad.

Sleeping is getting harder and harder :(

Finn...we are ready when you are buddy (not really...wait a few weeks, your brain has some more developing to do!).

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