
Friday, January 14, 2011

A typical night...

My midwife asked me at my appointment yesterday (btw: 1 cm dialated, 50% effaced), "Did you sleep on it weird?" in regards to my crazy shoulder pain. I replied, "I don't really know. I never wake up in the morning and think to myself, 'that was a fantastic sleep!'" This, coupled with the fact that last night's sleep was probably the worst night's sleep I've ever had in my life, has led me to write this blog.

Typically, I get up about 3-4 times a night to use the bathroom. These bathroom trips were really frustrating at first, but now I just am kind of used to them. If I can go right back to sleep, they don't even really bother me. It's just one of those things. This was the first annoying night-time habit. Many, many more have been added during the past few months.

Heartburn...this one has gotten worse and worse over the course of the last two months. If I eat too close to going to sleep, it's even worse. I know that the doctor says I'm allowed to take Tums for this, but I don't want to. I don't want to put anything else unnatural into my body. So, I just deal with it, maybe that's stupid, but I do. Heartburn is awful...I NEVER had heartburn before pregnancy. It makes you feel like you're going to vomit, or maybe even stab yourself in the throat to make whatever acid is making it feel that way come out. This wakes me up about 2-3 times a night. (If you're a math person, that's 5-7 times a night so far).

Now, I also have this shoulder pain that has been a pain in the ass for the past two weeks. My shoulder always hurts worse at night, and that coupled with hip pain from sleeping on my side, usually wakes me up about twice a night (that's 7-9 times so far).

Yesterday, I was also having trouble getting comfortable. I have this puggle, who loves to snuggle right up next to me, which is not always comfortable. I have this giant little man in my uterus that also makes turning over, or in basically any direction...damn near impossible, and this husband who also loves to snuggle close to me. This. does. not. work. This woke me up, probably at least twice last night (that's 9-11 people).

I also got up once to get a glass of water (10-12).

I also got up once to move to the couch (11-13).

I also woke up once because of a crazy dream (this happens a lot too...that's 12-14).

I'm only asleep for 8 hours a night (sometimes 9, if I'm lucky.

Let's be optimistic here, let's say I fall asleep for 9 hours, and I only have to get up a *mere* 12 times a night...that means that I the most 45 minutes (or 3/4 hour) of sleep at a time.

How do you like them apples?


  1. Poor Becky! I feel bad for you! I get up to do the bathroom thing, too; but like you said, I've just gotten used to it and can usually go right back to sleep. My hip also falls asleep and it's terrible. It hurts so badly that I'm very close to convincing Keith we need a new mattress. lol
    Last night I had heartburn so bad that I woke up and was terrified I was about to projectile vomit onto Addy (she sleeps on the floor on my side of the bed). So I got up and wishing I had a recliner to sleep in and hugged the toliet for 3 hours until I decided to build a mountain of pillows to sleep on. This mountain of pillows was rather imperfect, though, because when I woke up my shoulder hurt so bad I thought I had dislocated my collar bone and sawed off my arm in my sleep.
    I suppose the one positive side of this was that I got to spend 3 hours feeling Kate kick around, which always makes me feel better.

  2. Poor thing! I totally remember feeling like that. I never had the heartburn but I slept like crap for those last few months.

    Don't worry, it's just your body getting used to having to wake up for a newborn. It stinks, but it's helpful, too, I guess.

    Three more days!
